... (several lines of customized programming code appear here)


ベイエリアの歴史(37)- フランス植民地はビジネスモデル不在


本日は脱線の回です。今回のフランスでのテロ事件と、アフリカ・イスラム圏の旧フランス植民地の事情が関係あるのかわかりませんが、旧フランス植民地は不安定で争いが多い、といわれます。この点につき、ここまで植民地のビジネスモデルについて書いてきた中で、私なりにいろいろ考えます。簡単に言うと、フランスの植民地は、「ビジネスモデルがなかった」、あるいは何かあったとしてもきちんとエクセキュートできず、このため植民地の住民と共存共栄の関係を築くことができなかったのでは、と考えています。 (26)で書いたように、フランスの植民地は前期と後期に分けることができます。「前期」はアメリカ大陸でしたが、カナダをイギリスに取られ、ナポレオンがルイジアナをやけくそでアメリカ合衆国に売却して、いったん全部なくなってしまいます。古い時代の植民地ビジネスモデルの典型は、オランダ型の「アービトラージ貿易の拠点」であり、より新しいモデルとしてイギリス型の「土地投機」がアメリカで行われましたが、フランスはどちらのモデルも作れず、植民地からの収入よりもメンテナンス・コストのほうが高くなって、植民地を維持できなくなったのでしたね。










出典:Wikipedia, Long 19th Century: European History from 1789 to 1917

PostUp Acquires Echofon, Leading Twitter App on iPhone, iPad and Firefox | Business Wire

PASADENA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--PostUp, Inc., today announced its acquisition of Echofon, the suite of Twitter applications developed by naanstudio, and previously known as “TwitterFon” and “TwitterFox.” Widely regarded for its ease of use and simple, elegant design, Echofon is currently used by more than 3 million people internationally, across multiple platforms. Additionally, Echofon was one of the first Twitter applications to introduce User Streams, a new Streaming API that gives Twitter desktop applications real-time capabilities and streams. GigaOm included Echofon in its top five Twitter applications for iPad, citing its Echofon Pro synchronization capabilities for the iPad, iPhone and desktop. It also has an Echofon for Facebook app available for the iPhone.

via www.businesswire.com

Echofon founder Kazuho Okui, his partner Naoki Hiroshima and Biz Dev Chika Watanabe are all my friends at JTPA (Japanese Technology Professional Organization). Kazuho started it as his hobby 3 years ago.

They didn't start it as a "start-up", but was rather as their "favorite passtime", and was caught by surprise when people started using their app with no marketing effort.

But I think the secret of their success is that they started early, both in Twitter and iPhone, before anyone else. They surely have good grasp of what's going on in Web world, and they share the LOVE to the mobile gear with many Japanese people.

Congrats to Echofon folks!!


Japan's "digital dividend" spectrum will be harmonized with global standard

700MHzと900MHz周波数、世界標準に合わせることになりそう - Tech Mom from Silicon Valley

So-called "digital dividend", or the spectrum previously occupied by analog TV and gets vacated due to transition to digital broadcast, is valuable spectrum for mobile carriers in any country. In Japan, that is in 700MHz, essentially the same as in the U.S., but before the government was thinking of paring it with 900MHz, ignoring the world standard.

It was because the vacated 700MHz spectrum is not enough to go around among current carriers, and the nearby 700MHz owners are on "broadcasters" side usage, who has a big lobbying power.

I was among the industry people who strongly opposed to that idea. My team suggested to move those neighbors and get enough 700MHz, by paying the cost for moving. After some battle, on 11/19, in the commission in the Japanese regulatory body, all 5 carriers unanimously voted for the new "harmonizing" plan, so there will be 700MHz pairs and 900MHz pairs.

Japan's "Galapagos" phenomenon - segregation from the rest of the world - is seen as problematic, but I am glad that at least in one aspect was saved in the Japanese Galapagos mobile industry.

The news was out last week but I just noticed it today and blogged about it, then it got retweeted so much. I realized that many people in the industry agreed with my idea, and I am glad that Japanese authority did something to change the previous course.


Softbank is limiting all iPhone uplink speed up to 64k in Tokyo?

ソフトバンクが都心全域で上り帯域を64kbpsに制限中? : 管理人@Yoski

According to a Japanese blogger, Japanese iPhone carrier Softbank seems to be limiting the iPhone uplink at 64kbps for all users in Tokyo metro center.

Softbank's wireless bandwidth shortage has been a huge problem for Japanese iPhone users, just as AT&T in the U.S.

In the meantime, their competitors DoCoMo and KDDI are coming up with new Android line ups for the holiday season. It is time finally in Japan that Android will quickly catch up to iPhone's early lead, I guess.


My comment to WSJ "Google Says Regulators Are Okay With Yahoo Japan Search Dea"l

via kara.allthingsd.com

I wrote the comment to this article:

While I am concerned about the monopoly drawback too, I think your article lacks the point of view from "actual quality of service" for consumers.

I know, as an industry insider, that Japanese search engine people (both G and Y) have been investing so much time, effort and money for R&D in Japanese language search, and as you know, it takes a lot of market knowledge and tweeking effort to perfect the search technology.

On the other hand, Microsoft has not been doing their homework to catch up with them in Japan. Even in their core business, their Office products Japanese language handling is getting worse every minute. I don't use MS Kanji translation software anymore; I use Google's. I hear that they have moved their R&D to China, and even MS Japan employees don't use their Kanji software. The fact that they have minuscule market share in search is not a coincident. Their product quality is simply BAD.

Given that market reality, I can agree with Yahoo Japan's decision, which was probably the only way to keep their Japanese customers happy, and Japanese authority probably share my sentiment as well.

Japan's telecom minister interested in spectrum auction

asahi.com(朝日新聞社):電波割り当て、競売方式導入に前向き 原口総務相 - 政治

Asahi.com reports that Japanese Minister of General Affairs and Telecommunication is interested in introducing auction system for allocating wireless spectrum.

I have long been advocating auction but have not had much hope, particularly I believe it is too late, so am VERY surprised at this news.

I am very curious how it will pan out.
