... (several lines of customized programming code appear here)

Pop culture

ドクターX 大門未知子 vs. AI にツッコんでみる




本来ならば、そこで大門未知子がやったように、体の他の部分の状態、行動に関する質問、海外渡航歴などの項目を埋めていき、decision treeをたどっていくのだと思います。それが間違ったということは:

  • decision treeがそもそも間違い?こんな基本的な質問もしないでいいの?
  • データセットの中にこの症例がなかった?データのラベリングなどが不完全でクリーンじゃない?
  • 不完全なデータセットを前提としたenforced learningだとすると、シミュレーションが足りなくて空白が埋まっていない?
  • そもそもこういうのって、どうやってシミュレーションするんでしょう?ロボットの作業指示なら、ロボットをずら~っと並べて延々とシミュレーションすればいいのだけれど、病気の場合は動物実験でもするのかな?


現在のところ、AIを作るのは膨大なデータと人手が必要で、効果的に使えるのは「特定の目的」に限って深く多くデータを投入したりシミュレーションしたりできるところに限られる、というのが私の理解です。IBM Watsonも、「なんでも診断」ではなく、癌に限りますよね?それでも「使えねー」と中止させられちゃったりしてますよね?その理解で正しい?ヒポクラテス君もやはり癌専門だったから、寄生虫がわからなかった?

まぁ、ドラマは近未来の「ナンデモ診断」ができる時代のお話だとして(今のところ、チェスと碁はAIが勝ってますが、将棋はまだ←取った相手の駒を使うという部分が難しいとききました)、それでも上記のようなことを考えると、「AIがポンコツなのは、作った人間がポンコツ」(decision treeとかトレーニングの仕方とかシミュレーションの仕方とかが間違っているまたは足りない)ということでおk?その頃にはAIの研究者が、上記のような不完全性を克服するやり方を考え出してすでに実装しているはず?ヒポクラテス君は、作った人がお金をケチってちゃんと作られていない?


Japan Telecom Recovery - Help Iwate by drinking sake! via YouTube

This is a bit of off-track from "telecom recovery" issue, but these YouTube videos are going viral in Japan now. Hana-Sake Nippon (word play for "Bloom" and "Flower and sake"), appearantely the coalition of sake-brewers in Iwate prefecture, one of the hardest-hit area in Tohoku by the quake, is putting up these PR videos, asking people to "go admire cherry blossoms to help Iwate's economy."

Early April is the season for cherry blossoms in most areas in Japan, and traditionally, people would go out and picnic under cherry trees in parks, as a great excuse for drinking lots of sake.  However, due to power shortage and other logistical difficulties, as well as due to the public mood to "refrain from wild parties", sake sales in general has plummeted to the bottom.

Tohoku area sake brewers, as a consequence, is facing the threat of "economic secondary disaster".  They have decided to turn to the power of viral (and doing it cheap and quick).  There are 3 videos in this series as of now.

Please, people in the world, drink Sake from Tohoku area (Iwate, Miyagi, Fukushima etc.) to help them overcome this difficulties!  (=good excuse to drink sake under cherry trees!)


SF-style J-POP is the new version of its "counter-culture"

Last week, "J-POP Summit Festival" was held at Japan Town in San Francisco.  I was there on Saturday to help out my fiends from Toei Kyoto Film Studio, to promote their wacky samurai comedy "Metal Samurai".

Metal Samurai

I was actually AMAZED at the HUGE crowd of people there on Post street, where NewPeople J-POP center is located.  Honestly speaking, I have been a bit skeptical about Mr. Seiji Horibuchi's attempt in building this new venture, NewPeople and VizCinema, as the "J-POP Mecca in the U.S.", but my worries all got blown off.  The stark contrast of "old and stale" Japan Town image and the colorful "kosupure" ("costume-play") people strolling around was so interesting.  It was not exactly "authentic Japan", or even "Akihabara copy", but was more new "San Francisco style" J-POP, integrating its own "counter-culture" roots with cosmopolitanism, with a dash of familiarity with Japanese American history here in this city.

I am really curious how this new "SF-style J-POP" will eventually evolve.




Japan's former PM Koizumi doing the voice for "Ultraman" movie

via www.oricon.co.jp

"Ultraman" series is a classic monster/superhero series that is running since 1960's (I remember the very first series as my childhood memory). Now a new live-action movie is coming up, and this time, Japan's former Prime Minister, Mr. Junichiro Koizumi is doing the voice-over for a mysterious character called "Ultraman King".

Ultraman King is supposed to be the leader of all the Ultraman clan (whatever that means...), so they say the producer chose Mr. Koizumi as the best match.

Mr. Koizumi says at first he was hesitant, but his family, including his son and now congressman Shinjiro Koizumi strongly recommended him to take the opportunity, as fans of the series.
